Full Livery
This includes feed, bedding, turn out & bring in, mucking out, daily health and hooves checks, 3x exercising in a week. We can offer 5 days full livery where you doing your horse 2 days in a week as DIY.
7 days full livery - £508/ calendar month (straw bedding)
- £518/ calendar month (shavings bedding)
5 days full livery - £443/ calendar month (straw bedding)
-£453/ calendar month (shavings bedding)
Part Livery
This includes feed, bedding, turn out & bring in, mucking out, daily health and hooves checks, changing rugs if needed. We can offer to do 5 days part livery where you muck out , turn out & bring in your horse 2 days in a week.
7 days part livery - £465/ calendar month (straw bedding)
- £475/ calendar month (shavings bedding)
5 days part livery - £400/ calendar month (straw bedding)
- £410/ calendar month (shavings bedding)
Training Livery / Rehabilitation livery
This includes feed, bedding, turn out & bring in, mucking out, daily health and hooves checks, grooming, 5-6 days training, cleaning tack after use
£130/ week - £563/ calendar month (straw bedding)
£140/ week - £606/ calendar month (shavings bedding)
Competition Livery
This includes everything as a schooling livery plus producing the horse on the shows.
The entry and transport fees are paid separately.
£150/ week - £650/ calendar month (straw bedding)
£160/ week - £693/ calendar month (shavings bedding)